Representing about 10% in volume of the annual production in the world of wine, the level of satisfaction grows as it revolutionizes wine at the market level. This is the rosati, or better yet, the “rosa”, as l’Instituto del Vino Rosa Autoctono Italiano would call it. The institution is changing the conversation about these wines with pride and specificity to promote the definition of a third category of wine alongside its red and white counterparts (also at the legislative level).
Despite Italy being far from reaching production levels of rosé seen in France, the United States, and Spain, the production and consumption of “rosa” wine still grows in our country.
Meanwhile, actions are being taken to promote the identity and recognizability of this product. In main communication platforms, the Bardolino Wine Protection Consortium, in a rare instance, launched a petition to support “pink wine.” This goal is dedicated to pink wine and created by the same consortium.
It would be a big mistake to think of rosato as a “light”, or less demanding, version of red.
In fact, producing quality and pleasing rosati is not easy. Proper grape varieties, suitable cultivation environments, experienced hands that know the techniques of viticulture, and professionals who can transform grapes to wine are all necessary. It is the virtuous and conscientious mix of these ingredients where Castelli del Grevepesa creates the Maggese Rosé, the Rosato made from sangiovese grapes of the Tuscan region.
“The grapes are cultivated in vineyards specifically intended for the production of the Maggese Rosé, and harvested with specific compound and maturity characteristics, in order to lay the foundations of the quality in the vines to be extracted from the grapes in the cellar,” explains Valeria Fasoli, agronomist at Castelli del Grevepesa. She adds, “The harvest is done manually and transported in small crates to avoid crushing the grapes and to preserve the skin.”
“Once they reach the cellar, the grapes undergo 2 different pressings,” explains Federico Cerelli, oenologist at Castelli del Grevepesa, where he describes the production of the Maggese Rosé this year. “After removing the stems and breaking the skin, what is left is tranferred to a closed press. The first batch is left in the press for one night to macerate the grape skin which is important to extract the color and aroma. The second batch is pressed immediately to maximize extraction of higher alcohol, therefore obtaining a fresher and more vibrant liquid. The blend of the two juices, placed together to ferment at a temperature of 15°C (59°F) will be our Maggese 2021.”
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